
A Python platform for controlling custom laboratory experiments and visualizing scientific data

Step-by-Step on Windows

Instructions for ScopeFoundry Development on Windows

Install Anaconda 3

(Python latest version), only for your Windows User (who must be an Administrator), not for everyone. Pick a good directory, sometimes it will try to install deep within LocalSettings

Set up Anaconda Enviroment

conda create --name scopefoundry anaconda=2019.07
conda activate scopefoundry

Install Git

for example using conda install git, or using the Source Tree software) and configure it.

Remember to configure your git user info:

 git config --global "Nobody Nobinov"`
 git config --global ""`

Setup Experiment Repository

Tree structure of a typical experiment repository

├── .git/								# Stores Git repository information
│   └── ...
├── ScopeFoundry/					# Local Sub-tree of ScopeFoundry
│   └── ...
├── ScopeFoundryHW/					# Local copies of ScopeFoundry hardware plugins
│   ├── virtual_function_gen/		# Local sub-tree of specific hardware plugin
│   └── ...

Install Eclipse

Eclipse will require a Java Development Kit (JDK), to be installed or upgraded.

During installation of Eclipse select Eclipse for Java Developers.

Note: A useful way to automatically install eclipse: use Select Eclipse and JDK (AdoptOpenJDK) x64 11

Setup Eclipse with PyDev

Setup the Python Project in Eclipse

one of the two following ways:

QT Creator

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