A Python platform for controlling custom laboratory experiments and visualizing scientific data
(Python latest version), only for your Windows User (who must be an Administrator), not for everyone. Pick a good directory, sometimes it will try to install deep within LocalSettings
conda create --name scopefoundry anaconda=2019.07
conda activate scopefoundry
for example using conda install git
, or using the Source Tree software) and configure it.
Remember to configure your git user info:
git config --global user.name "Nobody Nobinov"`
git config --global user.email "nnobinov@example.com"`
Tree structure of a typical experiment repository
├── .git/ # Stores Git repository information
│ └── ...
├── ScopeFoundry/ # Local Sub-tree of ScopeFoundry
│ └── ...
├── ScopeFoundryHW/ # Local copies of ScopeFoundry hardware plugins
│ ├── virtual_function_gen/ # Local sub-tree of specific hardware plugin
│ └── ...
└── microscope_app.py
Create a folder (main folder) where you are going to put the ScopeFoundry code. Open Anaconda Prompt (or Terminal) and go to that folder
git init
copy nul __init__.py
(this creates an empy file called __init__.py
in the main folder)git add -A
git commit –m "New repository"
(the commit of at least one file is necessary before running the following commands)git subtree add --prefix ScopeFoundry https://github.com/ScopeFoundry/ScopeFoundry.git master
(this will add a copy of ScopeFoundry to the main folder)git subtree add --prefix ScopeFoundryHW/virtual_function_gen/ https://github.com/ScopeFoundry/HW_virtual_function_gen.git master
(this will add a particular Harware to the ScopeFoundryHW folder)To update ScopeFoundry to the latest version:
git subtree pull --prefix ScopeFoundry https://github.com/ScopeFoundry/ScopeFoundry.git master
Eclipse will require a Java Development Kit (JDK), to be installed or upgraded.
During installation of Eclipse select Eclipse for Java Developers.
Note: A useful way to automatically install eclipse: use https://ninite.com/. Select Eclipse and JDK (AdoptOpenJDK) x64 11
(Windows->Preference->PyDev->Interpreters->Phyton Interpreters ->New… ->Browse->Select python.exe in Anaconda 3 folder)
Under “Package” tab, select “Load conda var before run?”
, setting value = 1one of the two following ways: